About Rolling Ridge Study Retreat
We welcome all who seek to walk gently on the land, mindful of our interdependence with all living beings in this peaceable kingdom and respectful of each others’ age, gender, color, religious beliefs, sexual orientation, cultural identity and all the nuances of diversity that infuse our common humanity.
Who and What is Rolling Ridge Study Retreat?
A residential community….
of families living in 5 unique homes along Deer Spring creek, residential community members care for visitors, the land and its wild inhabitants as a volunteer labor of love. The residential community also includes several gardens, a flocks of chickens, sweet cats, and dog friends.
A related community of Partner Groups and individuals…
Across the creek from the residential homes, sits a modest, family-style cabin, the Retreat House. It was built in 1987 and 1988 by the shared effort of many hands from several churches and small communities partnering with RRSRC. It sleeps 11-13 in seven bedrooms. The long-standing friends who helped build the house are called Partner Groups and they use the house many weekends of the year on a regular, rotating schedule. They support RRSRC in a host of ways, through friendship, work days, board membership, donations and annual fees.
A place for retreat and renewal…
Several weekends throughout the year, we lead and/or host programmed retreats using the house and our Meditation Shelter and Art Cottage and the surrounding forest. These retreats are on themes that draw us: sacred days of the seasonal and liturgical year, permaculture, children and nature, paths of contemplation and awareness (including silence, journaling, art, yoga, drumming, dance), and our relationship with the natural world (see upcoming events). We also have several options for individuals, couples, families or small groups to make use of these spaces for Personal Retreat.

Where everything seems withheld.
The path you took to get here has washed out.
The way forward is still concealed from you.
The old is not old enough to have died away
The new is still too young to be born.”
-John O’Donohue