Meals are home-cooked from fresh ingredients, served family style, and include vegetarian options. Please let us know any health-related diet requirements you may have.
In consideration of permission to participate in activities during my selected event, 2016 on land known as Rolling Ridge Study Retreat, Still Point Mountain Retreat and Rolling Ridge Foundation, I hereby take action for myself as follows:
1. I agree to indemnify, defend, protect, and hold harmless Friends of Silence, Still Point Mountain Retreat, Rolling Ridge Study Retreat and the Rolling Ridge Foundation, all retreat staff, volunteers, officers and directors, from and against all claims, judgments, demands, suits, costs, damages, and liability (including without limitation reasonable attorneys’ fees and litigation costs) arising from, related to, or in connection with the occupancy of the premises or participation in any retreat program located on Rolling Ridge Study Retreat, Rolling Ridge Foundation land, and Still Point Mountain Retreat.
2. I recognize that wilderness retreats by their nature may expose participants to risks inherent in the environment, hence I voluntarily assume these risks and agree to indemnify and hold Friends of Silence, Rolling Ridge Study Retreat, Still Point Mountain Retreat, and Rolling Ridge Foundation, all retreat staff, volunteers, officers and directors, free and harmless, from any liability for any loss, damage, injury or harm made, incurred, or sustained while using and encountering the natural resources of the property and adjoining wilderness areas, including, but not limited to rivers, streams, ponds, trees, wildlife, rocks and trails.
3. Checking here counts as my personal authorization and signature.