The Fourth Waypoint: Jesus Meets the Women of Jerusalem

We walk from the Meditation Shelter to the open field.  We notice the open space here where connections are made between field, forest, sky, and creature.  We notice the circle of forest around us, reminding us of the womb, the cycle of life, the feminine.  We notice the women among us and the feminine in each of us.


Large numbers of people followed Jesus along the way.  Many women mourned and lamented for him.  But Jesus turned to them and said, “Daughters of Jerusalem, do not weep for me, weep rather for yourselves and for your children…”

Here we let the feminine, the holy instinct for connection and nurturance, enter into our heart.  We bring to mind women, those faced with gender discrimination, with abuse; and those who are daring to offer women’s fierce protective power to a hurting world.   We call out to the Old Woman Who Weaves the World, asking which is my thread to re-weave? We yearn for women’s wisdom, for the Divine Feminine, for the energy of healing and maternal love, for the Great Mother to comfort us in this time of sorrow.

This waypoint compels us to look at ourselves with the eyes of the future.  Are we acting with a care for the generations to come, or for what satisfies us now?  Can we understand, and accept, that we will not live to see the fruit we have planted, and faithfully set the seed in the soil?  “Do not weep for me,” says Jesus, “weep for your children…” Do we have the vision to understand that we are part of a connected chain of being and what we choose now will have consequences for generations to come?  “Hope is the hardest love we carry,” writes the poet Jane Hirshfield.

Continue to the Fifth Waypoint (Click Here)

Filming and editing by Katie Jones Pomeroy // Online design and social media coordination by Joy Houck Bauer