Rolling Ridge Study Retreat

Rolling Ridge Study Retreat


Connected to a wide circle of those who share a deep longing for a more authentic, nature-connected and soul-infused life.

Rolling Ridge Study Retreat


Located on a 1600-acre nature preserve owned by the Rolling Ridge Conservancy and protected by a conservation easement with the Appalachian Trail Conservancy.

Rolling Ridge Study Retreat


Exploring the connections of spirit, faith and the wild earth.

News and Happenings

Homing in Winter

Homing in Winter

December 13-15, 2019 // The solstice can be a holy opportunity to stand still for a moment and recapture our connection to the slowly wheeling heavens, and to the blessed dreaming Earth; it can be an invitation to come home to ourselves and our belonging, a homing so necessary in these troubled times.

Reflection for a Wet Winter Night

Reflection for a Wet Winter Night

During these intentional, festive days, we can deepen relationships with one another and with the living Earth and awaken to unseen realities that secretly sustain the world. We can open into the realm of the soul with its wondrous capacity for imagination, understanding, and joy. Then it may be possible to touch into all that is Holy and good and eternal.

Little patches of reflection

Little patches of reflection

Could being grateful and attentive to what we have help us to be fully present in the time we are in and actively inhabit the space where we live? 

Let’s Stay in Touch

“You are in this time of the interimRolling Ridge Study Retreat
Where everything seems withheld.
The path you took to get here has washed out.
The way forward is still concealed from you.
The old is not old enough to have died away
The new is still too young to be born.”

-John O’Donohue